Women Walking in Providence – Week 4

For security purposes, this writer is unable to share personal details since she is serving as a missionary overseas.

Introduction – Tell us a little about yourself.

I have been married to my wonderful husband for 6 ½ years, and have 3 sons, ages 5, 3, and 1. We live in Central Asia, and are working to learn the local language in hopes of one day working in an unengaged people group.

Share about a hard season you have walked in your life.

Since even before my husband and I had been married, we both desired to move overseas and work in an unengaged people group. We went to training, raised support, and made plans. But we kept hitting roadblocks. First, a denied visa, then an unexpected pregnancy that would not allow us to travel until after the baby’s birth. Then COVID hit. So many unknowns arose during that time. Our hearts longed to be overseas to share the Gospel with those who have never heard, yet we were filled with confusion as we continued to be delayed time and time again. The uncertainty created a lot of anxiety in my heart, as I began to try to figure out things on my own instead of trusting God with my future. After 5 years of waiting and praying, we finally made it to Central Asia to begin our work here.

What did God show you during this season?

God taught me that His timing is perfect, and that His plans prevail. I can make plans all day long, but if it is not within God’s plan, it will not happen. And that’s a good thing. I need to trust that He truly knows what’s best, and He is using all things for His glory and my good.

How did God provide protective care during this season?

God provided in so many ways during this season of waiting. He provided housing for us in our uncertain timeline, he provided a church body that encouraged us and helped us grow in this season of pain and uncertainty, and he provided joy in the midst of confusion. But ultimately, He protected us by directing our steps. All of our delays allowed us to become prepared for our life overseas. When we started making preparations to go, we were so young and lacked life experience. But the delays allowed us to grow spiritually, gain ministry experience, and grow stronger as a married couple.

What scripture(s) encouraged you during this season?

I lived in the Psalms during this season. So many comforting passages are in the Psalms that can bring healing to a hurting heart. Especially Psalm 33, 34, and 130

Psalm 130:5
I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits,
    and in his word I put my hope.

What encouragement do you have for others that may be walking through this season?

Our time of waiting is never wasted. God is using it for our good and His glory. Instead of becoming discouraged and frustrated with your time of waiting, look to the Lord for strength as you find your joy in Him. Look around and try to find ways that you can grow in your trials. Also, press into your local Church for encouragement and community.

Are there any books or resources that were helpful during this season?

Piercing Heaven: Prayers of the Puritans — Helpful when you are not sure how to pray

The Good Portion Series — Good resources for learning theology.  Our theology directly affects how we live and respond to trials.

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