Books Worth Reading – Chasing God by Angie Smith

Are you following God or trying to catch up with Him? Stop Chasing God.

I began this series with a Bible study by Angie and I am closing it with a book by her. I am not endorsing her because I benefit in any way. However, I am convinced if we met, we would instantly be friends! I love her honest and humorous writing style and adore the way she connects with her readers.

            My first 17ish years of my life I was a “good girl”. I followed the rules, said, and did the right things, and had everyone fooled. Inside I was dying to be set free, to let go of the expectations of others and explore the world I had been sheltered from. And explore I did! For around eight years I had a rebellious spirit, sprinting away from the foundations of truth that had been instilled in me. But the entire time I was running away, God was pursuing me.

            In Angie’s book “Chasing God” she shatters the human mindset that we go after God. That we as humans can do or say anything to win the favor of God’s salvation rather, He is the one that pursues us. It was a slow wooing back into God’s arms, but in my mid to late 20s I experienced God for myself. Undeserving, unmerited grace and mercy was ready and waiting for me. For those of us that “grew up in church” this book is for us. Or for those who think a relationship and salvation is something to obtain, this book is for you. Or, if you are still grappling with understanding your faith, this book is worth reading!!!

Books Worth Reading – Discerning the Voice of God by Priscilla Shirer

How to Recognize When God is Speaking

I read this book when I had no direction. I felt a call from God to make some major changes in my life but no clarity as to what steps to take. Many people find “hearing from God” confusing. It is easy to doubt what could be a message from God, but Priscilla breaks down all the insecurities and doubt in this book.

            She reminds us that God is a personal God who speaks and communicates with us in a very personal way. The way He speaks to me may be completely different from the way He speaks to you. She also encourages her readers to be still before God because it is less about our actions but rather having an open and willing heart. There are reflection questions and journal prompts at the end of each chapter helping you walk through the spiritual journey of intimate connection with a God who loves and adores you.

            This book led me to hearing from God, one step at a time, of what serving others and having a call to ministry would look like for me over the next year. For it was in this season, that Providence Ministries and the Walk in Providence blog were born making this a book worth reading!

Books Worth Reading – The Emotionally Healthy Woman by Geri Scazzero

Eight Things You Have to Quit to Change Your Life

I met a dear Canadian friend at a marriage intensive in the fall of 2022 and we instantly connected. We were able to stay in touch and she invited me to do a Zoom Bible Study led by one of her long-time mentors. The group went through this book over a four-month period, and I was honored to be a part of this study. It was also fun to connect with sisters in Christ thousands of miles away!

            In her book, Geri Scazzero walks through eight things you must quit to change your life. Some of these things include “quit being afraid of what others think”, “quit denying anger, sadness, & fear”, and “quit over functioning”. There are so many misconceptions we accept as truth in order to be “nice, friendly, Christian women” and Geri shows what the Bible actually has much to say about these misconceptions.

            If you are looking to become emotionally healthier and understanding the Biblical truth of caring for yourself so that we can love others well, this is definitely a book worth reading!

Books Worth Reading – Good Boundaries and Goodbyes by Lysa TerKeurst

Loving Others Without Losing the Best of Who You Are

I will always be thankful for Lysa TerKerurst’s latest three books, “It’s Not Supposed to be This Way”, “Forgiving What You Can’t Forget”, and her latest book “Good Boundaries and Goodbyes”. All three of these books came into my life in a perfect, providential way during a really hard season. But the reason I chose this most recent book to be featured in our Books Worth Reading Series is because of the impact it had on ALL my relationships.

            Lysa explains, “boundaries aren’t just a good idea, but a God idea” and explores what the Bible says about healthy boundaries and healthy relationships. She also helps her readers sort out difficult, dysfunctional, and destructive relationships. No matter what phase of life you are in, this book is a must read!

            I also strongly recommend her Therapy and Theology podcast. The podcast is Lysa, her licensed therapist, and her on-staff theologian going in depth with some of the topics of this book. “Good Boundaries and Goodbyes” is the best combination of real-life issues, professional and clinical counseling, and solid Biblical truth making it a book worth reading!

Books Worth Reading – Solo by Stephen W. Smith & Pete M. Ivey

Creating Space with God

My counselor recommended this book during a time I was feeling completely overwhelmed and consumed with the chaos and unknowns of my life in 2022. This book is small and a pamphlet style guide that teaches you to get alone with God to intentionally care for your soul. Authors Stephen Smith & Peter Ivey started the Soul Care Institute to give those in ministry and leadership a place to rest and recover their souls. They then wrote this book to make their teaching more accessible to the general public.

            In the book they give practical steps to create a day to be alone with God in order to rest, be still, create, and hear from God. I took my first solo retreat during lent this year and it was life giving to my weary soul after such a hard year. I also learned the benefits of contemplative prayer and listening to scripture.

If you are weary and worn out by the unsustainable pace of this world, this is a book worth reading!

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