Providence Ministries


Caroline and kids
Caroline and kids

Hey, Friend! I’m Caroline Morse and God has place it on my heart to help the weary woman experience the protective care of God during hard seasons through devotionals, Scripture, prayer, encouragement, and community. For years I tried to hide my hard times and appear as if I had it together. That left me  exhausted and lonely. Experiencing the protective care of God in these desperate seasons changed my heart forever. Through my own experiences and the work God has done in my heart in difficult times, my prayer is to offer encouragement to you.  As Christians, we were never promised an easy life (John 16:33) but we are promised that there is purpose in the trials, pain, and heartbreak (James 1:2-4). We were never meant to go through these things alone (Galatians 6:2), so join me as we walk in providence together.

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